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Note: We are closed for deliveries from 26 March until 8 April 2025....taking a well earned break away, still in email contact

An alternator Smart Regulator to optimise your charging needs whether Lead Acid/ AGM or LifeP04, this is the unit for you

The Smart Regulator range of ZM4, ZM5 and now the new ZM6  released in August 2022.

Smart Regulator first units went into service in 2005 and 100's since then.

A New Zealand designed and manufactured unit.

We can refurbish alternators or supply new or overhauled units that we hold in stock.

For setup instructions or see the unit operating go to You Tube at the following link: https://youtu.be/vRNjSprNhCA

We have over 40+ download drawings/notes to assist with alternator modification for external regulation, or email us with your query.