Feel free to download and use the following attachements for your own use.
Note, most current downloads refer to the ZM4 installation, these can safely be used for the ZM5 and ZM6 variant.
We have other drawings, email us your query and we will see if we can assist
- This 24 page book will walk you through set up and installation of the ZM6ZM6-Voltage_Regulator_User_Manual_Ver1.pdf (Size: 671.48 KB) Download
- ZM6 Version 2 User guide and installation instructions which explains the major change being current limitingZM6-Voltage_Regulator_User_Manual_Version_2.pdf (Size: 1.06 MB) Download
- Use this form (PDF Editable form) if you wish us to set up your ZM6 for voltage and polarity and absorption time. We can also set up the temperature range required if you take the temp probe purchase optionZM6_settings.pdf (Size: 73.13 KB) Download
- Attached is a drawing of the suggested installation notes and wiring diagramZM4_Installation_notes__wiring_to_Alternator.pdf (Size: 25.31 KB) Download
- Attached is a drawing on the suggested battery connections showing a VSR for a twin engine installation.ZM4_Battery_set_up_VSR.pdf (Size: 19.64 KB) Download
- This drawing shows the preferred battery switch set up in conjunction with a VSR (Voltage sensitive relay) and the ZM4ZM4_Single_Engine_VSR.pdf (Size: 17.62 KB) Download
- Here is a drawing of a suggested twin engine setup using only one ZM4/5/6/ at a time to ensure balanced load sharingZM4_Twin_engine_install.pdf (Size: 25.01 KB) Download
- This drawing shows how to wire in one ZM4 to control two engine alternators. Note this configuration does not offer any redundancy. ZM5/6 is the same with a slightly different connector blockZM4_control_2_ALTs.pdf (Size: 27.56 KB) Download
- This drawing shows how to run a 12v ZM4/5 from a 24 volt supply24volt_relay_to_12v_to_ZM4_diagram.pdf (Size: 220.84 KB) Download
- This is a drawing on how to connect an alternator AC output to an ignition light if your alternator does not have a D+ connection. We hold these in stock ready to goIgn_lt_set_up_from_AC.pdf (Size: 24.89 KB) Download
- Here is a check list for checking out your installation, feel free to send it to us and we can comment on what you might need to do to improve your charging system.Installation_questions.pdf (Size: 201.23 KB) Download
- Attached drawing shows polarity configuration of regulator to work with ZM4 Smart Regulator ( "N" Switched)ZM4_Alt_Reg_modification.pdf (Size: 24.48 KB) Download
- Attached drawing shows conversion for external regulation of a Mitsibushi alternatorigure_Mitsibushi_Alternator_regulator_modification.pdf (Size: 541.49 KB) Download
- Attached drawing shows conversion for external regulation of a Delco Remy 10Si or 12Si alternatorgure_a_Delco_Remy_10si_and_12si_alternator_for_ZM4.pdf (Size: 577.83 KB) Download
- Attached drawing shows conversion for external regulation of a CAV alternatorre_CAV_alternator_conversion_to_external_regulator.pdf (Size: 221.84 KB) Download
- Attached drawing shows conversion for external regulation of a Valeo alternator_regulator_conversion_to_accept_external_regulator.pdf (Size: 294.8 KB) Download
- Attached drawing shows conversion for external regulation of a BOSCH (late model) alternatorTo_configure_late_model_Bosch_alternator_regulator.pdf (Size: 478.31 KB) Download
- Attached drawing shows conversion for external regulation of a BOSCH (9- type) alternatorTo_configure_Bosch_Regulator_9-_type.pdf (Size: 326.12 KB) Download
- Attached drawing shows conversion for external regulation of a Leece Neville alternator_style_Alternator_conversion_to_external_regulator.pdf (Size: 431.9 KB) Download
- Attached drawing shows conversion for external regulation of a Leece Neville (late model) alternatorTo_configure_Leece_Neville_Alternator_conversion_to_external_regulator.pdf (Size: 211.79 KB) Download
- Attached drawing shows conversion for external regulation of a Hitachi alternator as fitted to YM series and 3 and 4 series Yanmar enginesTo_configure_HITACHI_Alternator_as_fitted_to_Yanmar.pdf (Size: 206.58 KB) Download
- Look at this low cost digital tachometer run off a magnetic reed switch, and we also have a NPN type sensor as an optionDigital_Tachometer_Reed_type_sensor.pdf (Size: 416.58 KB) Download
- Look at this low cost digital tachometer run off a NPN type sensor as an optionDigital_Tachometer_NPN_type_sensor.pdf (Size: 441.56 KB) Download
- View details on this low cost digital Up or Down counter,powered by 11-35 VDCUp_and_Down_Digital_counter.pdf (Size: 246.05 KB) Download
- The ZM4 is a negative brush control system, this means that the positive brush requires power at all times and the theory is we control the negative brush which controls the output of the alternator as per the setting on the ZM4To_configure_alternator_brush_connections_for_ZM4_.pdf (Size: 211.78 KB) Download
- Attached is photos of the required modification required to a blank brush block to work with a ZM6 both N and P switching, also the older style 2 pin brush block configurationTo_configure_BOSCH_blank_brush_block_for_N_or_P.pdf (Size: 427.97 KB) Download
- The factory default is set to 0.6 voltage difference between Absorption and Float, some batteries (AGM) require a 1.0 volt ratio, these instructions tell you how to adjust. Note: please read instructions carefully, if you get it wrong it will be a factory reset taskor_change_ratio_between_Absorption_and_Float_rates.pdf (Size: 291.44 KB) Download
- Attached drawing shows conversion for external regulation of a Lucas alternatorTo_configure_Lucas_alternator_regulator.pdf (Size: 670.14 KB) Download
- Attached drawing shows conversion for external regulation of a Letrika alternatorTo_configure_LETRIKA_alternator_regulator.pdf (Size: 50.49 KB) Download
- A instruction leaflet from BEP on how to wire a VSRBEP_Voltage_Sensitive_Relay_instructions.pdf (Size: 142.76 KB) Download
- How to configure a Delco Remy alternator, in this case we show a 28Si 12v 200amp alternator conversionTo_configure_Delco_Remy_alternator.pdf (Size: 750.9 KB) Download
- This will show you how to split the case halves and we use a BOSCH alternator as the example,others follow a similar processAlternator_Instructions_on_Splitting_case_halves.pdf (Size: 413.25 KB) Download
- See attached wiring diagram showing difference between the 2 options. It does not matter which polarity you use sometimes it is just about access to the correct brush between different brand alternatorsPositive_and_Negative_Alternator_list.pdf (Size: 189.72 KB) Download
- To_configure_Mitsibushi_Alternator_A003TR0091ZT_type.pdf (Size: 567.86 KB) Download
- This simple article shows how to test alternator diodes which could damage the smart Regulator and your battery bankTo_test_alternator_diodes.pdf (Size: 347.21 KB) Download
- This setup procedure is in the supplied booklet, in the event you don't have a book here is the procedureZM6_Setup_Procedure.pdf (Size: 151.96 KB) Download
- This drawing will show the wiring configuration to a ZM6 Smart RegulatorTo_convert_Ample_Power_or_Next_Step_to_ZM6_connections.pdf (Size: 330.54 KB) Download
- Here is the latest manual which has installation and wiring diagram instructionsZM5_-_Voltage_Regulator_User_Manual_January_2022.pdf (Size: 1002.92 KB) Download
- Here is the latest manual which has some good hints on alternator and battery switch installation tipsVoltage_Regulator_User_Manual_2018_Version.pdf (Size: 1021.41 KB) Download
- Diagram shows connections for crossover from Balmar to ZM5 or ZM6 smart regulatorBalmar_MC612_wire_connection_to_ZM5.png (Size: 313.61 KB) Download
- The following are two critical dimensions required to replace your existing alternatorAlternator_Dimensions_A_and_C.pdf (Size: 170.41 KB) Download
- how to modify the internal regulator on these brands ( all the same technology) for external regulation. P switching is best for this modelTo_configure_Mahle_Iskra_Letrika_alternator_modification.pdf (Size: 184.43 KB) Download